Supporting each other on working towards a healthy, educated, cultural and self-sufficient community.
This is our land. We have to take care of everything that belongs to us.
Play videoWe offer several programs to ensure the social, personal and
professional development of all SFN members
Shxw’ōwhámél traditionally means 'where the river levels and widens'. Shxw’ōwhámél people have occupied this territory since time immemorial. We are a community of 200 members with approximately 150 people residing on the main reserve.
Our communityEnsure consistent, transparent, and trustworthy
governance and administration of the community and
strengthen relationships with the Tíyt Tribe and the
broader Stó:lō community.
Build connections between families and on and off reserve membership as well as the Tíyt Tribe, and the broader Stó:lō communities and institutions.
Implement a robust policy framework that will provide clear guidelines for how Si:yá:m Council and administration should operate.